4th TPM
The 4th Team Meeting
In September, the entire DIGITAL GURU project team met for the last time in Pyrgos, Greece. The meeting was hosted by partner Olympic Training.
The purpose of the project meeting was to go over all created materials together and discuss the necessary changes. We talked about distribution activities and organizing an event introducing the project, about which we will share information soon!
In addition to the training, the local partner offered the opportunity to get to know the historical Olympia, the place where the world-famous competitions have started!
The purpose of the project meeting was to go over all created materials together and discuss the necessary changes. We talked about distribution activities and organizing an event introducing the project, about which we will share information soon!
In addition to the training, the local partner offered the opportunity to get to know the historical Olympia, the place where the world-famous competitions have started!
We thank Olympic Training for the kind welcome!