Methodological Toolkit

Brief Description

This innovative methodological toolkit is to be used by employers and HR managers to support and encourage non-skilled workers with limited digital literacy skills to develop professionally and personally.

The toolkit contains key tools for training them, including useful approaches, techniques and best practices for employers to use when working with their employees. It contains 6 different tools:
  1. Useful Approaches That Can Be Used By Employers To Motivate Employees
  2. Good Practices In The EU Of Employers In Encouraging Employees To Improve Professionally
  3. Techniques Used By Employers To Work With Employees Motivating Them
  4. Importance Of Creation Of An Encouragement Environment
  5. Activities and strategies implemented by employers to encourage employees in obtaining digital skills
  6. Current Practices Related To Professional Motivation In Elementary Occupations

To get more information and study the materials and offered tools, visit our online course Platform!